Wednesday, April 05, 2006

some thoughts

With the news of the Peppers comin' to town I thought I'd reflect on my concert going past. All day yesterday I listened to the 'Dani California' by RHCP, probably 20 times at least. This is a phenomena that I experience any time a band I really dig announces a show in Edmonton. I get really excited and then start to listen to the group a ton for the course of a few days, sometimes even up to 14 days, and then I move onto other stuff. By the time the actual show rolls around I'm usually in a different place mentally and the excitement factor really isn't present all that much. Saying that, the actual concert usually is a blast but lacks the outward excitement I get when I first find out about a show.

Taste of Chaos is tonite and I'm really not in a state of mind to go see a bunch of emo groups scream about teenage agnst. I started taking down the shit load of flyers we pasted all over the Augustana. The funny thing is that I have not received one phone call or email from anyone regarding the tickets that goes to Augustana and saw a flyer. Instead, the only person that bought one or my two extra tickets saw a bulletin I posted on MySpace. It was worth a shot I guess.

As I type this I'm listening to Thursday. They have recently released a new single from their forthcoming new cd. I've listened to this new song a fair bit. I'm still not sure if I'd give it a thumbs up. I like the chorus but the overall sound is kinda sketchy. I hope that tonite Thursday does play a few songs from the new disc. I'm curious to see what direction they are gonna take the group. They are the only group I actually want to see tonite. I can still recall the one and only time I've seen the boys perform at Warped. All I'll say is it was amazing.

I think is this the largest post I've done with original thoughts. Go me! cheers

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